TIZZIT | Start and Grow Your handmade Shop
1 - “Strategy first - tactics second” 1 - “Strategy first - tactics second”“Tactics” are the most visible aspect of any business - they’re what we see and what we hear about the most.Everywhere online, people are talking about the "latest Pinterest trick" or "the new Etsy SEO strategy" or whatever other tool, tip or tactic "revolutionised" their business.But tactics are only the tip of the iceberg, the visible part. What no handmade shop “guru” is sharing with you or even talking about is what’s under the water (and the only reason the tactics they swear by are working for them!) => the real, foundational strategy! And while I do think you 100% NEED tactics to make your handmade shop successful...I am also absolutely certain that you can NOT make tactics work without a solid strategy for them to stand on - or float on top of ;-)To be successful, you need to FIRST define YOUR unique handmade business strategy…...and THEN pick and implement the best tools and tactics to execute it and reach your goals.Remember when I mentioned that the biggest problem makers run into is that they try to build their handmade business one random puzzle piece at a time, with no clear idea of what the full picture is meant to look like? Well... strategy IS the full picture.To make selling your handmade products work, you need both a strategy AND tools & tactics, but you can’t make tools & tactics work without a strategy.2 - Front-loading the work 2 - Front-loading the workIf you want your handmade business to be a success for years to come - you have to think long-term.This will allow you to start ‘front-loading” the work – to get solid foundations in place that will pay dividends down the line and save you months of headache trying to figure out “why is nothing working!?”You want your progress curve to look like this:At first, it might look like you’re making less progress, but everything you do is logically built on the previous step – leading you slowly but surely to exponential growth and real lasting results for your shop and business. Essentially, you’re slowing down ... to speed up! Once you have your Business Thinking head firmly on, the handmade business world is your oyster! You’ll easily be able to …In short, Business Thinking means … Cutting through the confusion and overwhelm – and creating the STRATEGY and PLAN you need to build a real, profitable business out of this handmade hobby you love! ● Stand out from even the most saturated crowd using effective branding and pricing strategies (← spoiler alert: this has nothing to do with having a pretty logo OR trying to compete by dropping your prices!) ● Charge what your products are really worth AND still have customers flocking to your door – so you can consistently sell at a profit. ● Get your shop in front of people who are eager to buy, so you get more visits AND more sales – without worrying about the next algorithm change because you know your marketing strategy is built on solid ground.● Feel confident selling, marketing and talking about your products, so you never feel like you have to “sell your soul” to make a sale. (Yes, it’s possible to sell naturally, in your OWN unique voice, and – dare I say it! – to actually enjoy marketing your shop!)● Make your handmade business profitable in the time you have – finding that sweet spot between the hours you can spend on your shop each week, what you enjoy creating and products people want to buy● Build a handmade business that works for YOU and YOUR unique products and goals … rather than trying to follow someone else’s success path.AND THAT’S EXACTLY WHAT I CREATED TIZZIT HQ TO HELP YOU DO.Let’s leave the soul-destroying spiral of short-term tactics behind.AND THAT’S EXACTLY WHAT I CREATED TIZZIT HQ TO HELP YOU DO.Let’s leave thesoul-destroying spiralof short-term tactics behind.welcome to the better wayWELCOME TO THE BETTER WAY.Drawing on my expertise, I’ve created a fail-proof system, based firmly in time-tested business and marketing strategies, to help you figure out what to do (and in exactly what order!) to build your profitable business the RIGHT way. In other words … a system that helps handmade shop owners develop true Business Thinking.This system is The Maker's Roadmap™, and it’s the backbone of Tizzit HQ. (without muddle, overwhelm, or “WHAT NOW?!”)Tizzit HQ isTHE membership training community for makers and handmade shop owners that gives you a simple, step-by-step plan – plus ALL the business skills you need – to confidently make money from your handmade business,every single month. welcomeHow does Tizzit HQ work? To build a successful handmade business, you need TWO essential elements: ● A solid step-by-step strategy → AKA The Maker’s Roadmap™ system - to help you develop true Business Thinking and work on things in the right order● The right tools, tactics and skills → AKA seriously good courses - to implement your strategy and reach your goals● A solid step-by-step strategy → AKA The Maker’s Roadmap™ system - to help you develop true Business Thinking and work on things in the right order● The right tools, tactics and skills → AKA seriously good courses - to implement your strategy and reach your goals– inside The HQ you get a whole heap of BOTH!To make sure that you are supported every step of the way, Tizzit HQ also provides you with…● All the support you’ll ever need → AKA Live Coaching Calls + Private Community● All the support you’ll ever need→ AKA Live Coaching Calls + Private CommunitySo...what exactly do you get when you join Tizzit HQ ?When you join Tizzit HQ, you get access to:● 01 → The Maker’s Roadmap™ System● 02 → The entire Tizzit library of handmade business courses (30+) ● 03 → Bi-weekly live coaching and accountability calls ● 04 → 24/7 exclusive access to our sharing, supportive and honest community Sounds good right? Read on for all the deets …The Maker’s Roadmap™ is the PERFECT framework to help you: → build the solid business foundations you need to bring in regular profits down the line→ get your shop started, getting noticed, and getting consistent sales→ grow and scale so you can make the regular extra income you want (and more!)The Maker’s Roadmap™ is the PERFECT framework to help you: → diagnose WHY you’re not yet seeing the success you hoped for at the beginning→ figure out what’s missing, and what you need to do to fill the gaps→ develop a complete business strategy for your unique shop, so you can move forward with confidence and start making the profits your products deserve!So no matter where you are in your journey so far...The Tizzit Maker’s Roadmap™ is the fail-proof 4-stage system that’ll move you smoothly to that profitable place you long to be - all the while, kicking overwhelm to the curb! (Pssst... Nikki and Tania agree!)If you DON'T already have a handmade shop …If you DO already have a handmade shop …The Maker’s Roadmap™ is the PERFECT framework to help you: → build the solid business foundations you need to bring in regular profits down the line→ get your shop started, getting noticed, and getting consistent sales→ grow and scale so you can make the regular extra income you want (and more!)The Maker’s Roadmap™ is the PERFECT framework to help you: → diagnose WHY you’re not yet seeing the success you hoped for at the beginning→ figure out what’s missing, and what you need to do to fill the gaps→ develop a complete business strategy for your unique shop, so you can move forward with confidence and start making the profits your products deserve!"If anyone is undecided about joining Tizzit HQ, don’t be. The Maker’s Roadmap™ is nothing short of brilliant. It takes the overwhelming feelings away and makes it manageable! I've tried other programs, and they weren’t the right fit for me – if you need step 1, step 2, etc. this is for YOU.”"Nothing short of brilliant!"NIKKI RIDGE - VENUS ENVY PAPER“Now I have a system - I can stop panicking and spinning my wheels”I have a clear idea of what has to be done and in what order. It helps me tremendously that I can work step by step as my schedule allows. I knew there were several things I had to take care of for my shop but I couldn’t decide on the correct order to tackle them. I now have a system to follow instead of panicking and spinning my wheels without producing any results.I do not work every day in my shop, so when I have to put time into it, I just open The Maker’s Roadmap™ and find what I have to do next. Tania Savvopoulou - NOT YOUR USUAL TEE
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