Samplism – Audio Helper Project
What’s New in Samplism 1.9? What’s New in Samplism 1.9? Native support for Apple Silicon Macs257 comments 257 comments Pingback: Does samplism categorize by pitch/key? Thanks
Liked by says: The pitch/key detection features will be available later:)
Like I hope the lack of updates recently means version 2 is coming very soon with amazing new features? Look forward to it, Samplism is by far the best at what it does!!
Liked by says: Sorry for the updates. For personal reasons, recently we didn’t spend much time on updating Samplism.
By the way, Samplism 2 is also under development, although it’s at an early stage 🙂
Like Is there a way to add other Ableton Live packs to Samplism, not only the Core Library?
Liked by says: Hi, Chris. The answer is No.
Audio files in Ableton Live Packs are encrypted and can be played only in Ableton Live.
For example, select an audio file in Ableton Live packs and preview it in Finder (i.e., pressing spacebar), then you will see that it is not properly playing.
To the best of our knowledge, there’s no way for third-party apps to load audio files in Ableton Live Packs.
Liked by I cant open Samplism for some reason. Im getting a failed to initialize audio playback engine. Im on Big Sur and I just updated it. It worked before but dont understand why this is happening all of a sudden.
Liked by says: Hi, Seige. We don’t exactly know why this happens, but please try to do as follows:
1. Open macOS Terminal.
2. Enter the following command:
sudo kill -9 `ps ax|grep ‘coreaudio[a-z]’ | awk ‘{print $1}’`
3. Run Samplism again.
If you have still a problem, please contact us via our official e-mail, .
Like says: If I get a new Mac, am I able to transfer my favorites (marked with hearts)?
Liked by says: Hi, Chris. Just copy the Samplism Library directory (i.e., ~/Samplism Library/) to a location on your new Mac. That’s all.
If you have further questions, please contact us via our e-mail, .
Like says: Regarding Samplism v2, will it be a free upgrade for v1 users via the App Store?
Liked by says: An upgrade plan is not decided yet:)
Like Being able to preview FX is a wonderful feature, but it would be even better if you could resample/export a file (maybe to sit next to it’s parent unaffected file). I sit possible to implement this feature?
Liked by says: Samplism already supports exporting with Audio Units applied.
Please refer to the following video: Like Some suggestions for the next version (if you’re taking any):
1) Will there be an AI sound identifying feature, if a file doesn’t have “kick” written in, but it’s a kick, the software can identify it (kind of like Sononym)?
2) Will there be a DAW integration where one can play the samples straight from the DAW and audition the sounds at the host bpm tempo? Sort of like Loopcloud and ADSR Sample Manager do? If I’m writing a song at 90bpm, but the sample loop is 120bpm. It would be cool to be able to hear it without having to drag in into the daw first.
Looking forward to the new version whenever it comes out!
Liked by Pingback: says: I mainly use user tags.
I’d love an easy way to identify which samples in a library don’t have a user tag assigned.
For example – if a library contains 1000 samples, and the user tags for that library total 950, I’d love an easy way to identify those remaining 50 samples.
Is this possible, or can it be implimented?
Like says: Hi, tobypearce. That’s not possible with the current version of Samplism, unfortunately.
Like Does Samplism export to SFZ format libraries?
Liked by says: No:(
Like Pingback: Pingback: Version 2 with pitched MIDI playback & ability to go further than 2 folders deep in folder view soon pleeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaasssseeeee?????!!!!!! :-))))))))))
Liked by says: Great new features will be available in Samplism 2.0. Please look forward to them!!!
Like Great! When do you plan on releasing V2?
Liked by says: We cannot tell you much about Samplism 2, but one thing for sure is that it will not be released until 2021.
Also, Samplism 2 will include several “really” great new features. Stay tuned:)
Like Are you guys going to have a black friday sale?
Liked by says: No. We don’t have a Black Friday sale.
Like That’s probably why few are buying your product. That and it appears to be only Mac is that true?
Liked by says: You’re right. But frankly speaking, we are not very interested in app sales because we’re making apps for fun.
What we care about only is the app’s quality:)
Like Pingback: great product but the manual and lack of tutorials makes it very confusing and I’m sure you are loosing customers to it
Liked by says: You’re right. But don’t worry. The video tutorials and an online manual will be available later.
Thanks for your comment!
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