262 buses allotted! 262 buses allotted! A total of 262 buses have been allotted by the UPSRTC and will be running from the Alambagh, Kaiserbagh, Charbagh and Kamta Bus Stations. Out of these, 54 buses will be running on the Delhi route, while 51 will be running on the Gorakhpur route. Moreover, 32 buses will cover the Balrampur-Gonda route, 24 will cover the Behraich route, and 37 will cover the Azamgarh route. Finally, 17, 15, 12 and 10 buses will be servicing the Kanpur, Dehradun, Haridwar and Varanasi routes, respectively.8 EMU rakes of the Mumbai local fleet get LCD screens 8 EMU rakes of the Mumbai local fleet get LCD screens November 02 | 2021 In a major upgrade, the Western Railways has installed LCD infotainment screens in Mumbai locals trains. These screens will display commercial advertisements and railway/public interest information in trains. Reportedly, the initiative aims to increase non-fare revenue in about 20 EMU rakes. As of Sunday, a total of 8 local trains have been fitted with the screens.So far, 11 people in the city have tested positive for the infection So far, 11 people in the city have tested positive for the infection November 02 | 2021 Kanpur reported one more case of Zika virus on Monday, taking the total tally up to 11. The patient is a 42-year-old woman from Shiv Katra. Her samples, which had been sent to the King George Medical University in Lucknow, and the National Institute of Virology in Pune, came back positive.The fest will go on in the city till November 5th The fest will go on in the city till November 5th October 31 | 2021 The 'Vikas Deepotsav', a nine-day Diwali fest organised by the Uttar Pradesh Government, was flagged off on Thursday. The inaugural ceremony was marked by a laser show and Gomti Arti. Being held at Lucknow's Jhulelal Park, the fest is set to be a grand affair for Lucknowites! With its top-tier entertainment, multicuisine food offerings, fun rides, and competitions, the Vikas Deepotsav has something planned for everyone!
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