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thessHF - Εφαρμογή smartphone για ασθενείς με …
The thessHF app reminds patients to take their pills and logs their compliance. Patients can also log their mood, edemas, heartbeat and oxygen saturation. A custom algorithm warns patients of increasing weight, or alarming blood pressure, heartbeat or dyspnea levels. Greek-speaking patients can gain access to …
DA: 17 PA: 76 MOZ Rank: 79
SSH login via USB by submuxd. Because of the WiFi
Because of the WiFi connection, when the network is unstable, there will be a freeze when inputting the command. So it can be forwarded through the USB port. First, the usb ssh login is based on…
DA: 8 PA: 49 MOZ Rank: 63
ThessHF - Apps on Google Play
Jul 14, 2021 . H εφαρμογή για κινητό τηλέφωνο ThessHF στοχεύει να αποτελέσει ένα «ψηφιακό βοηθό» για ασθενείς με καρδιακή ανεπάρκεια! Read more. Collapse. Reviews Review policy and info. Loading… What's New. Σταθερή έκδοση της ThessHF - release build ...
DA: 66 PA: 47 MOZ Rank: 37
SSH password free login one step | Develop Paper
SSH password free login Server a implements password free login to server B. (Linux server based) Implementation process 1、 Generation of server a public key On the command line interface of server a, enter the following command to create a new [. SSH] folder under the current user directory, which contains the ID_ RSA (private […]
DA: 37 PA: 93 MOZ Rank: 21
Solved: Dell n-Series firmware 6.7.x allow ssh login
Oct 18, 2021 . Dell n-Series firmware 6.7.x allow ssh login. somehow i don't get the ssh login working. what i did in the CLI: command cli: #username dell password admin123 privilege 15 encrypted. #username admin password admin123 privilege 15 encrypted. #no ip ssh server. #crypto key zeroize dsa. #crypto key zeroize ecdsa.
DA: 1 PA: 1 MOZ Rank: 84
How to use SSHFS (Secure Shell Filesystem)
If you want Win-sshfs to connect to the account automatically every time you log in, select the Mount at login check box. Click Save. Sshfs Manager saves the connection information. Click Mount. Win-sshfs tries to open a connection to the server: If the connection is successful, the Mount button changes to Unmount. Use Windows Explorer or My ...
DA: 93 PA: 97 MOZ Rank: 54
Logging into Your Server via Secure Shell (SSH)
Jun 03, 2019 . The command line is a way to control your computer using only the keyboard and text-based commands. The command line was the only way people could control computers until the 1960s. Every computer still has a way to use command line commands. To use a terminal to make changes on your server, the first step is to log into your server using the Secure Shell protocol (SSH).
DA: 44 PA: 81 MOZ Rank: 52
How to Use SSH to Connect to a Remote Server in Linux …
Sep 24, 2018 . Use SSH key pairs for authentication for passwordless SSH login. They are both safer and also allow logging in without the need to use your password (which is faster and more convenient). Disable password-based logins on your server. If your password gets cracked, this will eliminate the possibility of using it to log into your servers.
DA: 56 PA: 80 MOZ Rank: 18
How to Use Public Key Authentication with SSH {Step-by
Aug 10, 2021 . Introduction. Public Key Authentication is a secure logging method using SSH.Instead of a password, the procedure uses a cryptographic key pair for validation. Although using a strong password helps prevent brute force attacks, public key authentication provides cryptographic strength and automated passwordless logins.. This guide gives step-by-step instructions on how to implement …
DA: 85 PA: 48 MOZ Rank: 92
A Patient-Oriented App (ThessHF) to Improve Self-Care
May 07, 2021 . Background: Heart failure (HF) remains a major public health challenge, while HF self-care is particularly challenging. Mobile health (mHealth)–based interventions taking advantage of smartphone technology have shown particular promise in increasing the quality of self-care among these patients, and in turn improving the outcomes of their disease.
DA: 9 PA: 55 MOZ Rank: 95
(PDF) A Patient-Oriented App (ThessHF) to Improve Self
Apr 13, 2021 . A Patient-Oriented App (ThessHF) to Improve Self-Care Quality in Heart Failure: From Evidence-Based Design to Pilot Study April 2021 JMIR mhealth and uhealth 9(4):e24271
DA: 61 PA: 78 MOZ Rank: 52
A Patient-Oriented App (ThessHF) to Improve Self-Care
The need for telehealth services and remote self-care management in HF is of vital importance, especially in periods such as the COVID-19 pandemic. We developed a user-friendly mHealth app to promote remote self-care support in HF. In this pilot study, …
DA: 6 PA: 35 MOZ Rank: 56
JMIR mHealth and uHealth - A Patient-Oriented App (ThessHF
Sep 11, 2020 . Background: Heart failure (HF) remains a major public health challenge, while HF self-care is particularly challenging. Mobile health (mHealth)–based interventions taking advantage of smartphone technology have shown particular promise in increasing the quality of self-care among these patients, and in turn improving the outcomes of their disease.
DA: 95 PA: 32 MOZ Rank: 61
How To Use SSHFS to Mount Remote File Systems Over SSH
Dec 23, 2013 . To start we will need to create a local directory in which to mount the droplet’s file system. sudo mkdir /mnt/droplet <--replace "droplet" whatever you prefer. Now we can use sshfs to mount the file system locally with the following command. If your VPS was created with a password login the following command will do the trick.
DA: 71 PA: 93 MOZ Rank: 60
A Patient-Oriented App (ThessHF) to Improve Self-Care
Apr 13, 2021 . The ThessHF App. Physicians developed the ThessHF app, incorporating all “critical” and most “optional” features (Table 2) in the beta version. The app encourages patients to invest 3 minutes daily to perform necessary self-care steps (weigh themselves, measure their blood pressure, and quantify potential dyspnea) and log the results in ...
DA: 78 PA: 11 MOZ Rank: 46
19th Congress of Cardiology of Northern Greece - Livemedia
Watch the 19th Congress of Cardiology of Northern Greece to held on 16-18 July 2020 .
DA: 25 PA: 29 MOZ Rank: 79
3rd Department of Cardiology AUTh | LinkedIn
It is a great honor to announce the publication of “A Patient-Oriented App (ThessHF) to Improve Self-Care Quality in Heart Failure: From Evidence-Based Design to Pilot Study” in JMIR mHealth ...
DA: 54 PA: 53 MOZ Rank: 35