How to prevent and remove viruses and other malware
1. Install the latest updates from Microsoft Update 1. Install the latest updates from Microsoft Update Note A computer virus may prevent you from accessing the Microsoft Update website to install the latest updates. We recommend that you set the Automatic Updates service to run automatically so that a computer is not missing any important updates. For more information, see Windows 7 Click Start, and then type Windows Update in the search box. In the results area, click Windows Update. Click Check for Updates. Follow the instructions to download and install the latest Windows Updates.2. Use the free Microsoft Safety Scanner 2. Use the free Microsoft Safety Scanner Microsoft offers a free online tool that scans and helps remove potential threats from your computer. To perform the scan, go to the website.3. Use the Windows Malicious Software Removal Tool 3. Use the Windows Malicious Software Removal Tool For more information about the Microsoft Malicious Software Removal Tool, see the following article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base: - Remove specific prevalent malware with Windows Malicious Software Removal Tool4. Manually remove the rogue security software 4. Manually remove the rogue security software If the rogue security software can’t be detected or removed by using Microsoft Safety Scanner or the Windows Malicious Software Removal Tool, try the following steps: Windows 7 Note the name of the rogue security software. For this example, we'll call it XP Security Agent 2010. Restart your computer. When you see the computer's manufacturer's logo, repeatedly press the F8 key. When you are prompted, use the arrow keys to highlight Safe Mode with Networking, and then press Enter. Click the Start button and check whether the rogue security software appears on the Start menu. If it's not listed there, click All Programs and scroll to find the rogue security software's name. Right-click the name of the rogue security software program, and then click Properties. Click the Shortcut tab. In the Properties dialog box, check the path of the rogue security software program that is listed in Target. For example, C:\Program Files\XP Security Agent 2010. Note The folder name frequently is a random number. Click Open File Location. In the Program Files window, click Program Files in the address bar. Scroll until you find the rogue security software program folder. For example, XP Security Agent 2010. Right-click the folder, and then click Delete. Restart your computer. Go to the website. Click the Download Now button, and then click Run. Follow the instructions to scan your computer and help remove the rogue security software. If you suspect that your computer is infected with rogue security software that was not detected by using Microsoft security solutions, you can submit samples by using the .5. Run Microsoft Defender Offline 5. Run Microsoft Defender Offline Microsoft Defender Offline is an anti-malware tool that helps remove difficult to eliminate viruses that start before Windows starts. Starting with Windows 10, Microsoft Defender Offline is built-in. To use it follow the steps in this article: Windows 7 or Windows 8 On an uninfected computer, go to . Click Download the 32 bit version or Download the 64 bit version, depending on which operating system that you are running. If you're unsure of which operating system that you are running, see . When you are prompted, click Save As, and then save the file to a DVD, CD, or USB flash drive. On the infected computer, insert the DVD, CD, or USB flash drive, and then restart the computer. When you are prompted, press a key to select an option to use to start your computer, such as F12, F5, or F8, depending on the kind of computer that you are using. Use the arrow key to scroll to the drive where you installed Microsoft Defender Offline file. Microsoft Defender Offline starts and immediately scans for malware. How to protect your computer against malware There are actions that you can take to help protect your computer against malware.
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