Kolibri : A Free, Open Source Education for All | Learning
1. "Seeding" a Device 1. "Seeding" a Device
Kolibri installers, updates, and content can be downloaded once to a device in an area that has an Internet connection2. Peer-to-Peer Distribution 2. Peer-to-Peer Distribution
That "seeded" device can then share new content and updates with other devices over an offline local network.3. Last Mile via "Sneakernet" 3. Last Mile via "Sneakernet"
To reach the most remote communities, a device can be carried by foot to share installers, updates, and content with other devices over local networks. Runs on Anything To facilitate broad, low-cost adoption, Kolibri is carefully designed to run on as many devices and operating systems (including Windows, Linux and OSX) as possible, leveraging existing legacy hardware or low-cost off-the-shelf devices. The cost of Android tablets is plummeting, so we're also building Kolibri to run standalone as an Android app. The cost of Android tablets is plummeting, so we're also building Kolibri to be able to run standalone as an Android app. Content can be loaded onto a tablet from a nearby server or peer-to-peer from another tablet, and then taken elsewhere and used by itself. Close Feature PREPARING A SET OF RESOURCES USING KOLIBRI STUDIO
Among other types of reorganization, Kolibri Studio makes it possible for you and others to collaborate online while aligning resources in the Kolibri Content Library—as well as any of your own—to curricular standards. By organizing your resources in the form of Studio channels, you can create a custom folder structure for your curriculum, browse through the Library, select resources you find most applicable, and place them into a structure that allows for easier navigation, time savings for teachers, and enhanced relevance when the channel is exported to the Kolibri Learning Platform for use offline. ★ Using Kolibri Studio, choose how the digital resources you want to share should look on the Kolibri Learning Platform. Control the way that resources will look, from the folders they appear in and how those are organized, to which parts of existing sources should appear, to what they are titled. ★ Combine and enhance existing materials through a variety of complementary resources. Select and combine resources to bring out the full potential of digital learning to expand what’s done in the classroom and introduce educators and learners to the variety of options available. Try a math video from Khan Academy, an interactive physics simulation from PhET, and a story from African Storybook, and organize it all according to the curricular standards, age categories, grade levels, and other criteria you need. ★ Upload your own resources to share privately or publicly with learners and/or educators. Whether they’re teacher-created lessons, sample lesson plans, or materials you’ve found, you can easily upload any compatible materials to share with others on the Kolibri Learning Platform and to supplement the international materials from our library. You can . We kindly ask that you ensure any materials you upload are appropriately licensed for download and redistribution. ★ Add assessments to any of your own or other available materials in the Library. You’re not limited to only pre-existing exercises you see within source channels, but can add your own assessments and sets of exercises to any existing materials, enabling your Kolibri users to benefit from Kolibri’s mastery-based assessment functions and coach-facing dashboards to track student engagement and progress.
Get Started with Kolibri Studio Create an account on Kolibri Studio by going to . You can learn more about getting started on Studio, along with additional guidance for curriculum alignment, by accessing our , which has tutorials on how to use the tool, reflection questions to consider to help you make best use of it, and more. Close Explore content
The Kolibri content library offers: Subject-specific videos, reading materials, simulations, games, and more for the academic curriculum
Lesson plans, content refreshers, pedagogical guides, and classroom management resources to support educator
Literacy-building libraries of children’s books and freeform reading materials
General reference and contextual resources
Life skills materials on subjects such as health, safety, trauma recovery, digital literacy, and others Some of our content sources include: Close Syncing and Sharing Devices running Kolibri will be able to find and directly connect with each other over a local Wi-Fi network, allowing for easy content sharing and data updates. Close Packaged for offline use
We developed special processes to package online learning materials to be taken offline. One of our innovations is a video compression technique that convert the pen strokes and objects in a blackboard-style video into scalable vector objects. In our tests, a 250MB video can now be compressed into just a single megabyte, while retaining most of the original quality. This reduces the time and cost needed to download a large set of videos, and allows a large amount of content to be stored on a small, low-cost device. Close Self-Paced Learning ★ Coach Features: Detailed reports measure factors such as progress towards completion of resources and exercises, records on which questions have been answered correctly or incorrectly, and provide a picture of overall understanding on both an individual and full-class level.
★ Customized Quizzes and Exercises: Question sets and exercises can be created in Kolibri in multiple choice and free response format. This customized evaluation tool helps learners practice what they've learned and show what they know, while staying aligned with the goals and standards of their local curriculum.
★ Content Recommendation: Kolibri will recommend educational content to a learner based on the content and exercises they have previously engaged with.
We've collected open or appropriately licensed resources from around the world for our Kolibri Content Library, where you can find over 80 educational collections of games, books, simulations, assessments, and more, from educational organizations and creators. Everything in the Library is ready for you to use as-is on Kolibri—but in order to get the most out of these materials, you are also invited to reorganize them: align them to your curriculum standards, select only specific sections, and/or pre-organize them for your learners and educators. ORGANIZING LEARNING RESOURCES FOR KOLIBRI THE KOLIBRI STUDIO CURRICULAR TOOL
Our free, cloud-based tool, Kolibri Studio, gives you full control over the organization of the educational materials you intend to use on the Kolibri Learning Platform -- whether you want to upload your own, or use what's already available in our Kolibri Content Library. With tools to select and organize sets of resources, add descriptions and custom exercises, and flag them as learner- or coach-facing, Kolibri Studio is the place to bundle, remix, and describe materials to best meet your needs and those of the Kolibri users you are working with.
In 2021, we revamped Kolibri Studio . Studio continues to support curriculum alignment efforts, and we are making collections of learning resources pre-aligned to curricular standards in multiple countries readily available. If you’re working with government, nonprofit management, school administration, teacher leadership groups, or any others in charge of setting up an instance of Kolibri, we invite you to explore how our Kolibri Studio tool can contribute to the relevance and effectiveness of your project.
If you're working with government, nonprofit management, school administration, teacher leadership groups, or any others in charge of setting up an instance of Kolibri, we invite you to explore how our Kolibri Studio tool can contribute to the relevance and effectiveness of your project. Help translate Kolibri! Kolibri Hardware Grants program script + br + br, script + br{ display:none; } ×
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